
“If there is one hour that will change the way you look at your health, it is with doctors for education. Thank you so much for allowing me to help my family live life more fully”
- Dr. Russ
Health seminar signup
“Thoughts trauma and toxins, the three stresses I can do without. Thank you Doctors for Education for helping me see a cleaner way to live life”.
- Cheryl
“I never knew how toxic your home can be, and how easy it is to clean it up. As a pregnant mother, I can now rest a little easier knowing my child will not be exposed to all those toxins. I still don’t know how can they sell such toxic garbage and get away with it. Information which I could have used years ago."
- 3rd trimester mom-2-be, Michelle
Feedback from a recent presentation on Integrity at Clarkson Secondary Student…
"Very profound. Gives you something to think about"
"It taught me that you shouldn’t wait to accomplish your goals"
"It was very insightful. Bring him back!"